About the artist

Welcome friends!

My name is Stefanie and I’m a nature photographer based in New Mexico. Born in Frankfurt, Germany, I spent most of my childhood growing up in Texas, and the last 25 years here in the Land of Enchantment! When I’m not out exploring the natural wonders of our amazing planet, I’m spending time with my family.

I fell in love with photography over 10 years ago, when scrolling across an internet post of an article filled with milky way photography. I can vividly recall feeling in awe of these incredible works of art and at the time - I had no idea that a DSLR camera could capture such beauty. From there, I discovered the work of several astrophotographer’s and landscape photographers. It was their work that inspired me to explore the outdoors and lit a creativity within me which I had no idea existed. I remember thinking to myself, “I want to do this one day. I want to photograph the milky way and landscapes...”

Fast forward 2 years later…. and I finally began to turn my dream into a reality when I got my first DSLR camera! My admiration for the great outdoors continued to blossom from there which also fueled the urge to travel anywhere and everywhere. It was the ability to capture the beauty of our world through my camera that brought on my love for nature. My work has now shifted from astrophotography and grand landscape scenery to the more intimate and abstract qualities of nature. I hardly ever use a wide-angle lens in my work. Most of what you see in my gallery is shot with a 70-200mm or 70-300mm lens. I enjoy creating images that make you second guess what it is you are seeing. I hope my images can spark your imagination a little!

I believe there is beauty all around us! I aim to show you that through my art. I want to highlight that even the most ordinary subject is extraordinary depending on how you use the light! From the way the first light of day hits mud tiles to the sun back lighting cottonwood trees, capturing sunsets over mountain tops and the roaring waves crashing against sea stacks, we are all so fortunate to call Earth home. I hope my work inspires others to help take care of and appreciate nature’s many blessings! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little. I hope you enjoy my gallery. Cheers!

With Love,

Stefanie Goo

Nature First Principles

Prioritize the well-being of nature over photography.

Educate yourself about the places you photograph.

Reflect on the possible impact of your actions.

Use discretion if sharing locations.

Know and follow rules and regulations.

Always follow Leave No Trace principles and strive to leave places better than you found them.

Actively promote and educate others about these principles.